Have you heard of the #oneword movement? I just found out about it last night but my word came to mind immediately. So immediate that my husband's coworker had not even finished his sentence before I knew what it would be. So what is One Word? In a short explanation, it is the idea that by focusing on one word you can inspire yourself to change your life ... one word at a time. The book and experiment have a religious base to them but if you aren't religious I think it is still a powerful idea. It's simple really. Envision the kind of person you want to be. Think about the traits and characteristics that person may have and then, pick a word. That's it. One word to describe your ideal you. Look at your word every day. Whenever faced with a choice, consider your one word prior to choosing a path. When it feels weird or unnatural, try to focus on your word and give it a go. Change isn't easy and it isn't fast. The idea is that by committing to a word to view the world and your choices through, you can escape the promises and resolutions that may break easily. You're not committing to a certain thing or change, just a change in the way you view choices and the world. This may not be the way you view the One Word experiment and that is okay. This is how I've interpreted the project and look forward to the idea of changing a little bit at a time to become a better me. For 2015, my word is This year, we had made a resolution to go camping at least 12 times. Explore takes it to the next level. Explore, to me, means that given the chance to try something new, I'll take it. Try new camping areas, go out on a limb with work projects, try to write a book, visit new locations, and be open to new ideas. I'm excited for 2015. It will be a great year and my one word will ensure there are ups and downs. The experiences may not always be positive but at least they will be something new. I love the idea that new opportunities are always just around the corner, if only you are willing to see them. If you already love the One Word project, or just heard about it by reading here, what is your 'one word' for 2015?
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