Close your eyes. Imagine your stereotypical backpacking trip. You've hiked all day. If you're in Florida during the summer, you're bug bitten and hot in the face. You're probably near water and you're probably tired. Meal time. What's for dinner?
If a dehydrated, one-pot meal came to mind, you've probably done this before. Now, what if I told you that we can change that? Imagine instead, same scenario, you come into camp eagerly anticipating from-scratch linguine alfredo carbonara and cocktail hour with sliced salami and location-themed cocktails. All of a sudden, eating dinner goes from a chore to an activity among friends.
We gave up the dehydrated style of backpacking in 2005. I took a backpacking class during my time at UF mostly for kicks but also because I needed a one-credit class to round out my semester enrollment. Every student had to plan a two-night backpacking trek for at least three friends. Additionally, there were three percentage points of extra-credit on the table for the backpacking trip which planned and executed the best menu. Challenge accepted!
By this time, I had been on more backpacking trips than I could count and hiked Philmont Scout Ranch twice (100+ mile treks). Feeling that we should take things up a notch to keep it interesting, we decided to remake one of our favorite meals - Bistec de Palomilla with yellow rice. The recipe, a great first foray into fresh food while backpacking, is at the end of this article.
To make real food while camping, there are a few things you need to do and know.
Carnevale's Backcountry Bistec de Palomilla
Ingredients: (serves four)
When you get to camp, fire up your camp stove or a campfire to cook your rice and then, 'cook' the steaks. Remember, the meat is cooked already, all you have to do is heat it up! You'll want to cook each steak for a few minutes over high heat; until it is texturally like a steak cooked to medium. Try not to overcook it, err on the side of medium-rare as opposed to medium-well; these acid-soaked thin sirloins will turn to shoe leather if over-done! When the steaks are done, remove them and throw your probably thawed yellow rice in the pan with the steak juices. Heat until warm throughout and dish out to your hungry campers!
Keeping the meat safe, while un-refrigerated, is a top priority but always a gamble. This recipe keeps the meat as cold as possible for as long as possible and as a contingency plan, soaks the meat in a high-acid environment. This high-acid environment essentially "cooks" the meat while providing inhospitable conditions for food-borne pathogens; the same process which is at work in any ceviche dish.
Please note: We are not trained chefs or medical professionals. We are not responsible for any illness or other unfortunate event that may occur if you choose to make this meal on a backpacking, or other camping, trip. We have made this meal several times with no ill effect and are sharing our recipe to enrich others' experiences. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. My blog post, comments, and responses are never intended as medical advice.
Our MSR Dragonfly stove was purchased over ten years ago with no compensation for my opinion. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I may earn a small commission if you purchase items through the link provided here. There is no increase in cost, to you or anyone else, associated with these links. The following is the introduction to a letter to the editor I submitted. Since The Ledger (Lakeland, FL) published it, I will not re-publish the entire article. Please click the link to visit The Ledger's website and read the article! The Ledger has been, and continues to be, very supportive of outreach-themed "Letters to the Editor" and I highly encourage you to consider writing one. The opinion section of the paper in this day and age tends to be filled with complaints and anger. Why not inject some inspirational messaging into that section? See my article, below, and if you are inspired to write a Letter to the Editor, let me know in the comments! Please Join the National Campaign to Combat Invasive Species in U.S. Published: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 12:01 a.m. National Invasive Species Awareness Week was developed to help slow the spread of invasive species across our landscape. Non-native plants, animals and pathogens can harm humans and the environment and impact our nation's economy. The damage done by invasive plants alone costs the U.S. an estimated $34.7 billion a year. Through NISAW, we hope to elevate the level of awareness regarding invasive exotic species and their impacts. To read the rest of my article, which includes easy ways for every resident to get involved in #NISAW, click here. Carnevale, S. “Please Join the National Campaign to Combat Invasive Species in U.S.” The Lakeland Ledger 3 March. 2015: A4. Print.