The following is the introduction to a letter to the editor I submitted. Since The Ledger (Lakeland, FL) published it, I will not re-publish the entire article. Please click the link to visit The Ledger's website and read the article! The Ledger has been, and continues to be, very supportive of outreach-themed "Letters to the Editor" and I highly encourage you to consider writing one. The opinion section of the paper in this day and age tends to be filled with complaints and anger. Why not inject some inspirational messaging into that section? See my article, below, and if you are inspired to write a Letter to the Editor, let me know in the comments! Please Join the National Campaign to Combat Invasive Species in U.S. Published: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 12:01 a.m. National Invasive Species Awareness Week was developed to help slow the spread of invasive species across our landscape. Non-native plants, animals and pathogens can harm humans and the environment and impact our nation's economy. The damage done by invasive plants alone costs the U.S. an estimated $34.7 billion a year. Through NISAW, we hope to elevate the level of awareness regarding invasive exotic species and their impacts. To read the rest of my article, which includes easy ways for every resident to get involved in #NISAW, click here. Carnevale, S. “Please Join the National Campaign to Combat Invasive Species in U.S.” The Lakeland Ledger 3 March. 2015: A4. Print.
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